Wednesday, January 26, 2011

DREAMY Etsy Treasury

I so love Etsy! I love selling on it! I love buying on it! I love getting lost in it! I can spend more hours than I care to admit just drifting through it - going from one amazing artist's shop to another; finding the most gorgeous and wonderous vintage items, being inspired always!

I absolutely adore the Treasury feature. Members create a photo collage of listed items that follow a theme - sometimes it's a color or a season. Sometimes the photos tell a story.

It's always an honor to be included in one. Today I have the honor of having one of my shop items included in this delicious and dreamy treasury. Please visit and get lost for a moment.


Rose Brier Studio said...

And at this time of year it's nice to get lost in something other than snow banks!

VS said...

No couldn't have had a more wonderful background for your peace of art, it looks fabulous with just the right amount of Cape Cod! ;)
I LOVE Cape Cod, can we trade house this summer for about a week...that would be heaven!
Hugs & congrats on your lovely photo being chosen as part of etsy's favs.