Sunday, November 15, 2009

Where To Start?

I had decided that my next post would be about this most wonderful of magazines. That decision was the easy one; trying to decided exactly what to write hasn't been so easy. There is just so much to say. I could write about the wonderful artists profiled and how every one of them said something that absolutely touched my heart. OR I could write about their art, the different mediums used, their creative process. OR I could write about the amazing spaces each of them has created, each of those spaces is a work of art itself, as unique and special as the women who created them. OR I could write about the little basket of trinkets in one studio or the box of buttons in another that had me saying "How perfect!". OR I could write about the page after page of serious eye candy. OR I could just tell you to buy, beg or borrow an issue and experience it yourself.
And then I can tell you that Where Women Create has a Facebook Fan Page and a Blog and that Jo is running a 1st Anniversary Contest and that you should dash right over there and read her wonderful posts and get yourself entered. (If I did it correctly the title of this post should link to the WWC Blog - fingers crossed)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Woo Hoo! I took a Picture!

One of the things I've just had a hard time doing is taking photographs. Probably stems from my dislike of having my photo taken...It's true I hate having my picture taken. Some people photograph well, others, like me, seem to morph into some sort of alien life form as soon as the camera is aimed at them. Honestly, I've seen photos of myself that I didn't realize were of myself . I suppose that could be because I'm in serious denial that I have, in fact, reached the age that I have and no longer look cute and perky (well I was never really perky but I did have some cute going on).

So anyway - to get back to the point - I haven't worked much with cameras and have pretty much only scanned (my other mantra has been "If I can't scan it I don't sell it"). However, I have finally come to accept the reality - if I don't start doing the photo thing my Etsy shop will have only a small portion of the wonderful goodies I have to share and this blog will be seriously boring....since I hate boring and I would very much like to build my Etsy business here it is - my first inventory photo. Yes, I know, it certainly can't be considered eye candy. It's not composed very well. The color and contrast isn't great. But it's start...a baby step...and oddly I'm rather proud of it!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

If At First You Don't Succeed

So it's been over a year since my last post. I was tickled by how easy it was to start a blog but seriously flusterbated by not being able to make it look the way I wanted. Honestly, it was downright ugly - really ugly. It made me cringe when I looked at it. So today I took a deep breath and - with the help of the wonderful folks at The Cutest Blog on the Block got it looking much much much better! Thank you THCBOTB people - as soon as I figure out how to link I will!
Besides adding links, I still need to practice adding photos, figure out how to add buttons, add the Etsy Shop link and then there are all those wonderful bloggers I follow and would love you to meet.
"Baby Steps" is today's mantra so I'll stop with this baby success. I promise it won't be a year until I post again! Pinky Promise!