Friday, November 13, 2009

Woo Hoo! I took a Picture!

One of the things I've just had a hard time doing is taking photographs. Probably stems from my dislike of having my photo taken...It's true I hate having my picture taken. Some people photograph well, others, like me, seem to morph into some sort of alien life form as soon as the camera is aimed at them. Honestly, I've seen photos of myself that I didn't realize were of myself . I suppose that could be because I'm in serious denial that I have, in fact, reached the age that I have and no longer look cute and perky (well I was never really perky but I did have some cute going on).

So anyway - to get back to the point - I haven't worked much with cameras and have pretty much only scanned (my other mantra has been "If I can't scan it I don't sell it"). However, I have finally come to accept the reality - if I don't start doing the photo thing my Etsy shop will have only a small portion of the wonderful goodies I have to share and this blog will be seriously boring....since I hate boring and I would very much like to build my Etsy business here it is - my first inventory photo. Yes, I know, it certainly can't be considered eye candy. It's not composed very well. The color and contrast isn't great. But it's start...a baby step...and oddly I'm rather proud of it!

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