Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Today was a sort of me day - no place I had to be - shop is closed - my night off from the restaurant. Had a whole lot of things I "should" do - house cleaning, shop paperwork, packaging, listing on Etsy, fall garden clean up etc., etc., etc. - but no one thing that I absolutely positively "had" to do. So I ended up visiting some blogs, and then some other blogs and then I actually posted on my blog (about another blog) and then I visited a few more blogs - guess it turned into a blog day. Found a new blog that I fell in love with and compared it to the blog I'd blogged about - that I also love - and I realized that I am still a bit schizophrenic. Ever since I had more then one room to decorate (my first apartment) I have always had two different styles going on. There has always been at least one "girly" thing happening, usually my bedroom, maybe a bathroom - something that has some pink and white and sometimes a touch of green, a bit of pale blue, maybe a small splash of yellow. Then there has always been a rustic, primitive thing with lots of texture, natural wood, chippy paint (some of it white-some not). See, a little schizy. I just can't not have both of them, all of them. Wait....maybe I'm not schizophrenic, maybe I'm just greedy. So I shared Curious Sofa earlier, then Fabulous Fifi today (see what I mean) and just a bit ago I found Lambs & Ivy (the fact that she's playing Jackson Browne didn't hurt). Visit her blog


Since I haven't yet managed to come up with that perfect post I want to write (damn this whole perfectionism thing!!!!!) I thought I would share some (OK - today it's just going to be one) of my favorite people, places and things. That is a large part of what I admire about the blogging community; the willingness, no, the eagerness to share...not just your own stuff - be it thoughts, photos, projects or whatever, but other peoples stuff as well.

So here's some stuff from the truly Fabulous Fifi. If you have ever read an issue of Romantic Country magazine you all ready know Fifi. Visit her blog and get to know her a little better. Pour your beverage of choice, settle down in your favorite reading spot and be prepared for lots of wonderful ... well, actually, that about sums it up ... be prepared for lots of wonderful!

Oh, and speaking of wonderful, Fifi is doing a wonderful giveaway this month and you still have time to get your name in the hat (a wonderful romantic rose covered hat I'm sure).