Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Scenes from the Shop

I am going to do it! Really I am! I am going to get out that camera and start taking pictures! Then I'm going to figure out how to take better pictures. I've got loads of ideas for "shoots" swirling thru my head and I must get them out of there before they drive me crazy! In between the taking of the pictures I'm going to master how to get those pictures right where I want them in posts. So be warned! It may not be pretty at first...but I am going to do it!
Here a a few shots of little scenes in the shop (WARNING - Blatant self promotion ahead - all items are available for purchase!)


Whimsy Antiques said...

I love your style! So fun--you would fit right into my shops!

Michele said...

Thank you! Thanks quite the compliment! Trust me, if I were on your coast I'd so be there!